The Expandable Recent Comments widget for Blogger is a very accessible widget that can be collapsed or expanded through user interaction, so we don't have to click the author's name or post title link in order to read the content of a comment. The expanding content can be shown or hidden by clicking the plus/minus icon or by hitting the "Show all" or "Hide all" button.To...
Friday, 26 April 2013
Saturday, 13 April 2013
Create Horizontal Navigation Menu With Drop Down Submenus Using CSS
This drop down menu made with CSS only is a horizontal menu with sub-tabs and a rounded search bar on the right side. A menu like this can be handy for users who don't need complex menus or prefer not to use one that requires scripts and/or too many images. Also, the installation and customization is quite easy and, to top it off, it is quite functional.To see this CSS drop...
Friday, 12 April 2013
How To Use The New Blogger HTML Editor
The Blogger template editor now includes a number of changes that seem interesting and make it much more friendly than it was.To begin with, what we see now is all the template's code starting with numbered and colored lines showing us different code snippets: tags, variables, properties, etc.. depending on the HTML, CSS, JavaScript and even the language of Blogger - include,...
Monday, 1 April 2013
Show Recent Posts With Thumbnails For Particular Label or Category in Blogger
Sometimes we want to have everything organized, so that our readers can find topics of interest more easily. To accomplish this, instead of putting a widget with the latest posts, we can put together the latest entries sorted by category, so that we'll be able to show the latest posts for each label we want and also display a thumbnail for our category.To add this recent posts...